I was looking for a way to get a summery report of the last backup jobs ran in the last 24 hours and I ran across this article here http://www.revpol.com/baculasummaryemails. When I tried to get it working with my installations using MariaDB, it wouldn’t work. I found that the Mysql query code had to be tweaked a little in order to work with MariaDB and was able to get it to work.
I also didn’t like how the text in the email body just ran together so I added HTML formatting to lay the data out into a table and also added color coding to the status area to give quick visual indications of the job status. I really wanted to know the run time of the jobs too so I added that as well. I also added a logo to the header to simply tweak it out a bit.
This works great on my systems running Centos 7, Bacula 7.0.5 and MariaDB.
Here is the modified code I used which includes the query for MariaDB and the HTML code. There are some CSS styles you can modify if you want larger text or a different font. I have not tested with MySQL or PgSQL but did add the additional field to pull in Run Time.
To run, set up as a cron job like this with the time period you wish to report on (i.e. 24 for last 24 hours)
/dirtofile/baculabackupreport.sh 24
Special thanks to http://www.revpol.com/baculasummaryemails for publishing the script!