• Archive Full Bacula Backups to Removable Hard Drive.

    I have my backups set to do Incremental backups daily, Differential backups on the weekend and Full backups on the first Saturday of the month.  I then use the Copy function in Bacula to copy the full backups onto a removable hard drive for archiving.  I keep a drive for every month and recycle them after a year keeping the end of year safe.

    It took a little digging around the internet to figure out how to get this working but I was able to get it all working and it works great.

    # This is your normal backup poll for your full backups.
    # Add the NextPool option shown below to your existing pool.

    Pool {
    Name = BackupPool
    Pool Type = Backup
    Volume Retention = 6 months
    Recycle = yes
    AutoPrune = yes
    LabelFormat = BU-
    Maximum Volume Bytes = 50G
    Storage = BackupSD
    NextPool = FullBackupsDiskPool          #### Added this for Archive

    # Archive to USB

    Pool {
    Name = FullBackupsDiskPool
    Pool Type = Backup
    Recycle = yes
    AutoPrune = yes
    Volume Retention = 2 years
    Storage = Archive
    LabelFormat = A-

    # Fake fileset for copy jobs
    Fileset {
    Name = None
    Include {
    Options {
    signature = MD5

    # Fake client for copy jobs
    Client {
    Name = None
    Address = localhost
    Password = “NoNe”
    Catalog = MyCatalog

    # Default template for a CopyDiskToTape Job

    # Schedule for Archive
    # I run mine manually so this  schedule doesn’t really do anything…  Enabled = No
    Schedule {
    Name = AfterFullBackups
    Run = Level=Full Pool=BackupPool 2nd fri at 20:30

    #Job – This is what to run when you want to move full backups to archive drive.

    Job {
    Name = CopyDiskToDiskFullBackups
    Enabled = No
    Schedule = AfterFullBackups
    Pool = BackupPool
    JobDefs = CopyDiskToDisk
    Write Bootstrap = “/BackupNAS/BaculaBootstraps/%c_%n_%f.bsr”

    #This is where we set to get the Full backups for the last “5” days.
    #You could change this but it works fine for me since I only have some small
    #jobs that run as full daily in POOL 15, you’ll need to change the poolID!!!

    JobDefs {
    Name = CopyDiskToDisk
    Type = Copy
    Messages = Standard
    Client = None
    FileSet = None
    Selection Type = SQLQuery
    Selection Pattern = “select * from Job where ClientID <> 2 AND (EndTime BETWEEN NOW() – INTERVAL 5 DAY AND NOW()) AND Level = ‘F’ AND (JobStatus = ‘e’ OR JobStatus = ‘T’) AND PoolID = 15;”
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
    SpoolData = No
    Allow Duplicate Jobs = Yes
    Cancel Queued Duplicates = No
    Cancel Running Duplicates = No
    Priority = 13

    Storage {
    Name = Archive
    Password = *************
    Address = *************
    SDPort = 9103
    Device = Archive
    Media Type = File
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20


    Finding your Pool ID

    The pool ID for can be found by looking in the bacula database in the Pool table using the following statement.

    How to access the database through SSH

    SSH into your Bacula server or server with the Bacula database.  Log into MySql (or MariaDB) and then enter use bacula; (where bacula is the name of your bacula database).  Then enter the following select statement to find the PoolID  (Note my backup pool for my full backups is called BackupPool and I can see the PoolID is 15.)

    SELECT * FROM `Pool` WHERE `Name` = ‘BackupPool’

    Setting the Storage Device

    Now you need to set the storage to use the archive mount.  This is set in bacula-sd.  In my case, I called the mount /archive but you can call it what you want.

    Device {
    Name = Archive
    Archive Device = /archive/
    Media Type = File
    LabelMedia = yes
    Random Access = yes
    AutomaticMount = yes
    RemovableMedia = no
    AlwaysOpen = no

    Mounting the removable drive using Webmin
    Open Webmin and go to Hardware>Partitions on local disks and find the device that’s the removable drive.  In my case, it’s SCSI device A.  I’m using 4TB HGST drives in a USB 3.0 cradle and it works great.  I can power it off, swap drives and power it back on and I can format the drive like I want.

    Now onto the mount

    Mount the drive by going to System>Disks and Network Filesystems and click Add and choose the type.  I use ext4 for my drives.  “Mounted as” should be the same as the directory you used in the bacula-sd config and select the removable drive.  You will need to create this directory first before mounting a drive to it. I selected YES to Wait until network interfaces are up even though this isn’t a network drive to allow time for the USB drivers to kick in before the system tries to mount the USB drive.  Make sure Mount Now is set to Mount and you should be able to mount the drive by hitting save.  If there is an error, make sure you have formatted the drive correctly and that you have created

    Once it’s mounted, you should be able to see the drive, it should show it’s in use and you will need to give bacula permission to write to this drive.

    How to Run the job

    Since I watch the backups, I know when all the full backups are completed and I will manually start the archive job.  I just go to Webmin and click on the “CopyDiskToDiskFullBackups” job and select Run.  This job is super fast and usually takes about 2 hours for 1.2TB of full backups to be copied for me.

    Hope this helps!

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